"Come from Away" a musical
An Update.... Capt. Beverley Bass purchased the original watercolor to present to the actress Jenn Colella on opening night Broadway. So now I suppose I can say I've been on Broadway! (wink)
Reprints are available in my Etsy shop.
Feb 1, 2017
Last October our dear friends Debbie and Dave invited my husband and I to join them for a play at Ford's Theater in DC.
To be honest we weren't even sure what play we were seeing, let alone what it was about. As we were driving to the theater, I did what we all do and pulled out my phone for a quick search. When I typed in "Fords Theater Play"... Up popped on my screen "Come From Away . On September 11, 2001, the world stopped...." What!! How is this possible, a play, a musical no less about 9/11??? Well, let me tell you, it is fantastic! It's a fast-paced roller coaster of emotions from heart wrenching, to hilarious, but most of all, it left me with a feeling of joy and hope in the kindness of people.
A little about the musical...
Come From Away is written by Irene Sankoff and David Hein. Directed by Tony Award winner Christopher Ashley.
On September 11, 2001, 38 planes with 6,579 people were diverted to the remote town of Gander, Newfoundland expanding the population by more than half. The local residents provided for, housed, fed, and befriended thousands of strangers from all corners of the earth in the most challenging of circumstances. Their generosity of spirit was and is truly uplifting. Twelve actors play both stranded travelers and the local Newfoundlanders who take them into their hearts and homes. Traditional Newfoundland music (think Celtic) flows throughout the fast-paced production.

About my little sketch....
If there is a lead actor it might be Jenn Colella who plays both a local librarian and captain Beverley Bass the captain of an American Airlines flight that left Paris the morning of 9/11 headed for Dallas, TX. In the scene I've illustrated above from the Fords theater production (see the Presidential Box), Capt. Bass is hearing for the first time of the events that will divert their aircraft to Newfoundland and change all their lives.
The photo includes the playbill and my AA wings that I was wearing on 9/11.
Broadway previews begin February 18 at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater.
Please go see it. You'll be glad you did!!
Until next time...